13 Posts in this encyclopedia categoryPackaging Act
Act on the Placing on the Market, the Taking Back and the High-Quality Recycling of Packaging. The law applies to all packaging.
Penetration in the context of a chemical protective glove is understood as the movement of a chemical through the glove material on a non-molecular level according to EN 374. This can be caused by cracks, holes or similar defects.
Permeation is the penetration of a chemical through the glove material at the molecular level. The permeation cannot be stopped after the first contact with the chemical, even if the glove material has interrupted contact with the chemical in the meantime.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is equipment worn or held by a person to protect the user (wearer) from risks to their health or safety.
Phthalates are used as plasticisers in the plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They give the originally hard and brittle plastic its elastic properties, for example in disposable vinyl gloves.
Placing on the Market
Placing on the market means making a product available on the EU market for the first time. The products provided shall comply with the applicable Union harmonisation legislation at the time they are placed on the market.
Plasticisers, or rather softeners, are substances that are added to brittle resins (thermosets) and plastics (thermoplastics) to make them more pliable and elastic in use or further processing.
PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425
The requirements for personal protective equipment (PPE) are regulated for the EU in Regulation (EU) 2016/425.
Product Safety Act (PrSG)
The Product Safety Act (Produktsicherheitsgesetz, PrSG) regulates the requirements for the safety of products and monitors their controls and labelling.
Category II products provide protection against risks not listed under Category I or Category III.
Category III products provide protection against risks that can lead to serious consequences such as death or irreversible damage to health.