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Hand disinfection, 1 l, Safeline Skin Des Plus

Item no.: 09914
Certificate: EN 12791, EN 1500
Industry suitability: Hospital, Body-related services, industry
Material: Liquid
Medicine product class: keine Auswahl
Special property: aldehydfrei, levurozid, phenolfrei, QAV-frei, begrenzt viruzid gem. RKI/DVV-Leitlinie, parfümfrei, bakterizid, wirksam gegen Rota-Viren, VAH gelistet, tuberkulozid

Manufacturer / Responsible Person Information

Manufacturer: bioSight GmbH, Brasselsbergstr. 3, 34132 Kassel,
Responsible Person:

Product information "Hand disinfection, 1 l, Safeline Skin Des Plus: buy ready-to-use disinfectant, especially suitable for allergy-sensitive hands, for hygienic cleanliness for application on the skin."

  • Item number: 09914
  • Manufacturer: AMPri
  • Brand: Safeline
  • Used for: Hand disinfection
  • Material: Liquid
  • Special properties: aldehyde-free, phenol-free, bactericidal, levurocidal, tuberculocidal, effective against reda viruses and fragrance-free
  • Complies with standards: EN 1500 and EN 12791
  • Ready to use

09914, Hand disinfection liquid from Safeline

This liquid is easy to use: simply apply it to your fingers and spread it evenly. The hand disinfection liquid complies with the requirements of the EN 1500 and EN 12791 standards for hygienic and surgical hand disinfection, making the product a good choice for hospital wards and operating theatres.

Other positive properties

General medical fields, hospitals, body-related services and industry: the product is suitable for many sectors and professions. As the disinfectant is fragrance- and aldehyde-free, it does not have a strong odour and is gentle on nasal mucous membranes. To disinfect your hands correctly, you should put about three millilitres of disinfectant onto your palm and then spread it all over your hands for 30 seconds. Ensure that you distribute the disinfectant evenly and also apply the disinfectant to your fingertips and between your fingers.

What's the right way to disinfect your hands?

Hygienic hand disinfection is intended to prevent you from passing on infectious or pathogenic agents with your hands when you come into direct contact with patients during treatment or care. Two types of disinfection are important here: before and after contact. The first type of disinfection is to protect patients; the second type helps prevent you from contracting a pathogen from the patients you treat.

The 5 indications:

  • Before contact with patients.
  • Before sterile activities.
  • After contact with material that could be infectious.
  • After contact with patients.
  • After contact with the patient's surroundings.

Surgical hand disinfection – How should you proceed?

Before operations or surgical procedures, the people performing the operations and all persons working in the sterilised area must disinfect their hands before surgery with an alcohol-based disinfectant solution or special hand wash. They should operate the disinfectant dispenser with their elbow, then thoroughly spread the disinfectant onto their hands and forearms. Depending on the manufacturer's instructions, the disinfectant will need three to five minutes to take effect.

It is imperative to proceed according to the 'rule of 3' here:

  • First minute: Use the disinfectant to clean hands and forearms up to the elbow.
  • Second minute: Focus on the area covered by the glove and completely disinfect the hand area (fingers, palms and wrists).
  • In the third minute: In the final phase, special attention should be paid to disinfecting the fingertips, nail folds and interdigital spaces.
After you have disinfected your hands, you should not touch any non-disinfected areas of skin above the elbow joint so that your hands actually remain sanitised. Otherwise, you will need to thoroughly disinfect your hands again.

Incidentally: You should keep your fingernails trimmed and always disinfect the nails and the nail fold with a sterile nail brush before the first procedure of the day. However, the approach of scrubbing your skin with a brush is now no longer recommended because of potential micro-tears to the skin.

File Category Size Filetype Prio
09914_tds_en_09_2017_revision01 Technical data sheet (TDS) 572.61 KB pdf
09914_tds_de_07_2019_revision01 Technical data sheet (TDS) 605.71 KB pdf
09914_10_ampri_de Product images (High resolution) 781.70 KB png