ISO certification

AMPri signs the Diversity Charter

Green Production Label - sustainable action with the AMPri label
What evaluation criteria must a production facility meet in order to be eligible for the Green Production Environmental Seal?
Our focus is not on one-time savings of x%, but on continuous measures that a production facility takes to have a positive impact on the environmental balance. This can include topics such as water consumption, energy consumption, or packaging materials, among others, which are considered individually. The key is always a positive impact on the environmental balance and a special focus on ongoing engagement with environmental issues.
To be able to assess this accurately, we require production facilities to send us a semi-annual Environmental Improvement Report, which we evaluate and verify the information in the next on-site audit (at least annually). Production facilities must achieve a Environmental Score defined by AMPri to qualify for the Green Production Environmental Seal.
The Environmental Score is composed of the weighting of different environmental topics, the so-called Annual Factor, and the Fulfillment Rate.
Highly weighted topics include, for example, water and energy consumption. Other topics may include material efficiency, packaging, or certification to ISO 14001 (certified environmental management system).
The Annual Factor initially corresponds to the weighting, losing one point each year until the measure is removed from the evaluation. This means that the production facility is always encouraged to take new measures to maintain the product under the "Green Production" Environmental Seal. Each measure remains in the evaluation for a maximum of 3 years.
Fulfillment Rate: 3 = fulfilled to 0 = not fulfilled, not relevant
With a clear focus on a permanently monitored Continuous Improvement Process (CIP), we can represent one-time improvements of x% as rather negative. We continuously monitor the processes and expect continuous improvements. The environmental issue is always in focus for us. We have been working together with production facilities for years towards this common goal. AMPri stands for Consistency, Reliability, Quality, and Responsibility.

Acting in partnership with CM Environment
CM Umwelt aims to develop circular economy in Germany in partnership with municipal waste disposal companies, cities, industry, and startups in the sector through the right ideas and measures.
Our collective responsibility is to save energy and resources to protect the climate. Recyclable packaging, as natural organic waste, becomes fertilizer and soil. Following the natural cycle principle, they contribute to new life.
AMPri has had packaging tested for you as a trading partner on existing sorting and recycling structures, sortability, separability, and incompatibilities regarding recyclability. The packaging tested for recyclability could be classified as 100% recyclable according to the minimum standard of the Central Packaging Register Foundation.
As a retailer, you have the opportunity to view and provide certificates for selected PE disposable aprons, (PE) disposable gloves, cotton swabs, wooden spatulas, PE air cushion pads for shipping, and disposable mouth protection to your customers.
Certificate AMPri PPK Box for PE Aprons
AMPri operates sustainably: Member of B.A.U.M. e.V. since 2023
The Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis für Umweltbewusstes Management e.V., known as B.A.U.M. e.V., is a leading nonprofit environmental initiative in Germany. Since its founding in 1984, B.A.U.M. e.V. has been dedicated to promoting environmental protection and sustainability in the economy and society.
Since July 2023, AMPri Handelsgesellschaft mbH has been a committed member of the sponsorship circle of B.A.U.M. e.V. This partnership underscores our commitment to sustainable business practices and environmental protection. We are determined to expand our activities within this collaboration and to work together with B.A.U.M. e.V. towards positive changes in the direction of an environmentally friendly and socially responsible business world. By joining the sponsorship circle of B.A.U.M. e.V., we are sending a strong signal that we are actively committed to working towards a more sustainable future and continuously advocating for environmentally friendly practices and social responsibility. We look forward to a successful collaboration and the opportunity to find solutions together for the challenges of our time.